Kyle Sheldon- Chandler

Virtual Assistant

Providing passionate entrepreneurs with life and business solutions

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Is a VA right for you?

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Kyle Sheldon-Chandler

165 Little Park Road

Grand Junction, CO 81507 (T) 970.243.9899

(T) 970.812.0192

 Kyle Sheldon-Chandler


What is a Virtual Assistant (VA)?
Virtual Assistance brings a fresh approach to the administrative profession. The professionals are called Virtual Assistants or VAs.

VAs are professional entrepreneurs who provide administrative and personal support while working in long-term collaborative relationships with only a handful of terrific clients. Using phone, fax, cloud-based collaborative tools, and e-mail, VAs support their clients across the nation and often never meet their clients face to face.

It's a fabulous way of working and opens new doors for administrative professionals. Assist University (AssistU) has been the leader in VA training and support, and is widely known to train the finest virtual assistants in the world. Kyle Sheldon-Chandler, founder of KSC Virtual Assistant Services, is proud to be an AssistU graduate. She has also been honored with the 2011 AssistU VA of the Year award.

Why work with a VA?
Having it all does not mean doing it all yourself. Eventually, you will discover that you simply can't continue to do it all and have a great life -- something has to give! When you partner with a VA and allow her to proactively support you in reaching your goals, you free up time and energy for an abundance of other things, such as:

  • Growing your business
  • Spending more time with family or friends
  • Responding to other opportunities (professional and personal)
  • Balancing home and work responsibilities
  • Taking a much-needed vacation
  • Reading (or writing) that next bestselling novel
You'll find Kyle is a dedicated, driven, masterfully skilled administrative professional who genuinely wants to powerfully impact your life and help your business succeed.

Is working with a VA cost-effective?
Absolutely! When you work with a VA you get a partner, not an employee.

  • No office space needed
  • No furniture or equipment costs
  • No costs associated with employees, such as: medical benefits, payroll taxes, worker’s compensation, vacation or sick leave
  • No training time
  • No downtime costs - you pay only for 100% productive time

If what you need is the most basic office support, you may want to work with a secretarial service. If, on the other hand, you want the benefit of working with someone who really wants to know you, your business, your customers, and who wants to be involved with your success, you’ll want to work with Kyle Sheldon-Chandler.

Who works with a VA?
VAs work with successful people of all kinds: financial planners, authors, coaches, executives, consultants, speakers, sales people, small business owners - anyone who wants to be professionally successful and live a more balanced life may benefit from partnering with KSC Virtual Assistant Services.

What kinds of work might my virtual assistant do?
The beauty of working with Kyle Sheldon-Chandler and KSC Virtual Assistant Services is that the only things that can't be done are those which actually need to be touched in your office (i.e. paper filing, etc.) Otherwise you're bound only by your imagination, ability to delegate and desire. Click to learn more about my services.

How much does it cost?
Less than you might think. Outsourcing work to KSC Virtual Assistant Services means you only pay for the services and time you need. Our rates are very competitive and offer a better value over the cost of traditional employees. Because we are an independent contractor, you're not required to pay employer taxes or benefits.

Why choose KSC Virtual Assistant Services?
KSC Virtual Assistant Services provides more than just administrative services. We have developed the proficiency, skill and expertise to quickly identify how best to serve you and offer effective solutions that add value to your bottom line. Click to learn more about Kyle.

Click here to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation consultation! 


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